The accolades cometh! And the accolades will be spread forth...
I must Thank the Queen of HighWasp at Privilege for this most wonderful award. Although upon accepting said award, I need to point out that my friend is in need a office visit to her optometrist.
You see, she mentioned in her blog that she gave me this award because, and I quote, "This award goes to: f8hasit for the best About Me photo ever."
Now. I know. I should say, "Thank You" and leave it at that. But accepting compliments has never been my forte. I'm rather critical of photos taken of me. I prefer to be behind the lens than in front of it. So when there is a photo that is able to pass my scrutiny, well...okay. One in four hundred I suppose isn't so bad!
So please, do go over and tell my friend Lisa at Privilege, that Nancy says "Hi!". She's been giving me my suggested daily dose of HighWasp that I truly enjoy. I might skip breakfast and even my daily fiber supplement, but never; ever my dose of Privilege.

Hang on, here goes.
1. Optimistic. (If you know me, or read any of my stuff, this has held true my whole life. No matter what.)
2. Grateful.
3. Stubborn. (six times? really?)
4. Insightful.
5. Generous. (ask any waiter!)
6. Opinionated. (so, shoot me. I like my opinion! I'll listen to yours but it may not change mine.)
7. Affable.
And now for my seven award winners! (que drumroll)
This award is humbly presented to Matthew at Resurrected Ramblings for his most insightful stories; Will at Searching for Shangri-La because if he lived closer, I'm sure we'd be great friends and I sometimes que up hisd blog just to listen to the music; to Carlos at the tired one because he wants to take a break from blogging and we don't want him to, this will give him something to do-he can't refuse!; at Chrissy at ishouldabeenastripper because through everything she's still my best friend and I love her; to Lora from Fever because she never fails to make me run for the bathroom before I pee my pants after reading her posts; to JennyMac at Let's have a cocktail...I just like her (and her blog name)! and she always makes me smile; and last but not least to HolgaJen at The Darkroom because I want to be as artistic, beautiful and talented as she is.
Please make sure to go to these talented people's blogs. Without them, I would have at least 2 more productive hours added to my day.
My productive hours have just slipped away since I began blogging. I love it - my husband, not so much. LOL
ReplyDeleteYou DO have a great profile pic!
Congrats on the award. I love your list of personality traits. I am sure my hubby would also have me include that stubborn trait also.
ReplyDeleteCongrats on your award, I will have to go check out the blogs that you mention. I am blog challenged, but reading other blogs gives me hope!
ReplyDeleteThanks, Nancy! Geez the pressure;) I'll get on it immediately. I'll be honest, it's been hard not blogging.
ReplyDeleteHi there - thanks so much for the award and compliments :) I will keep it going when I get a chance to post one of my own later!
ReplyDeleteLove your post N. And big thanks for passing it along to me. I will do it proper justice soon.
ReplyDelete@Jan from the Sushi Bar - It's all about priorities, and you seem to have yours straight!
ReplyDeleteOh, and I'd like an order of Maguro sashimi...
@Rae - I'm glad that my ex was willing to help point out my traits...but six times? Hmmm. It IS kindof funny though. (and probably true)
@KrisGC - Hope. Something we should never lose. Blogging or not! "blog challenged'...I like that. That's funny. I Like your blog!
@Carlos - peer pressure at it's best! :-)
teeheehee. I'm evil, didn't you know?
@HolgaJen - Love your work. You have given me recent inspriation to experiment a little more with my own photography. I was in a rut. Thanks!
You guys are the best!
Your photo IS rocking.
ReplyDeleteCongrats; now I'll go check out your suggestions!
How-eva will I find the time? (She asked...her hand delicately draped over her forehead, Scarlett O'Hara-style) I'll just find it can wait...'cause there's always....well, you know.
ReplyDeleteThanks again for what Cameo would no doubt have called a 'word up'. Now I have a project for the day and it's only 7.40am. :)
ReplyDeleteI would say those traits all suit you except the stubborn one. I think you were just stubborn with the ex. He brought out the best in you.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on your award. You certainly have wonderful traits. I wish I had more of #4 and #7.
ReplyDeleteLOL "stubborn."
ReplyDeleteThanks for the suggested reading material. I'll haev to check these out. :)
Love your list. I'm having a great time looking at these blogs. And see? I was right about the photo...
ReplyDelete@ Maureen - Thanks...(blushing) I will accept the compliment(s). :-)
ReplyDelete@Kathryn - why do today what you can put off to tomorrow? hehehe
I put 2 hours...I should've put 3, or maybe even 4!
@Matthew - Your welcome for the 'word-up'! And the project...I belive that with the time change then your post will be a day early? :-)
@Chrissy - Yes. The best was always brought out. But I guess in some ways I can be stubborn. I thought it more 'driven' but hey, tomatoe, tomato.
@Theresa - Thank you! I always confuse affable with laughable...that most definitely should have been in there, for me. :-)
@Mike - Like I told Chrissy, I always thought it as 'driven' not stubborn. But I guess I have to believe it, he did add it to the list 6 times!:-)
@LPC - You like being right, don't you?! Thanks again for the award!
And no matter how many times I say it, I still mean it...thanks everyone for your comments. You made my day, again.